=(V)=RocketJedi wrote: ↑Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:24 pm
Taken from :
https://demensdeum.com/blog/2022/11/29/ ... acbook-m1/ slighly edited (links) by RJ
How to run Unreal Tournament 99 on MacBook M1
macOS M1 Ventura
If you’re a dedicated Unreal Tournament 99 fan like me, you’ll want to run the game on the latest operating systems and hardware. I have successfully run Unreal Tournament 99 on an M1 Macbook Pro running macOS Ventura 13.0.1.
To run the game under macOS for the M1 processor you need:
THen download this
Drop UnrealTournament.app to /Applications
Create an Unreal Tournament folder in ~/Library/Application Support/
Copy the Windows versions of the Maps, Sounds, Textures, Music folder to ~/Library/Application Support/Unreal Tournament
Delete the files LadderFonts.utx, UWindowFonts.utx from the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Unreal Tournament/Textures
Run UnrealTournament.app from /Applications, enjoy the frags!
The penultimate step is needed to display the correct fonts, the original ones are displayed too small.
After starting, configure the screen resolution, keyboard, font size in the GUI, and other necessary settings.